Monday, October 27, 2008

Requiem for a Uniform

I always thought that the Seattle Supersonics had classy uniforms. Green an yellow is an underappreciated color combo in the sports world. Sure, you've got your Green Bay Packers and your Oakland A's, but now that the former Supersonics are now sporting the baby blue Thunder Uniforms (which I'm actually quite fond of, even though they look very "D-League") who's gonna be reppin' the lemon-lime on the basketball court now?

Why does this bother me so? Well, let's break it down.

Green and yellow are the natural colors of the underdog. Green is pretty much blue's jealous brother. Green is Poseidon and Blue is Zeus. Green is the rising action while blue is the climax. Green is an idea, blue is a patent. Like so many of the world's favorite protagonists, green is always looking for an identity.

Yellow has always been out to prove itself too, perhaps more openly and assertively than green. It wants to be the color of danger, but thanks to street lights and yield signs, yellow finds it difficult to escape being the color of caution, just the opposite of what it yearns for.

When you put the two colors together, the story writes itself. It doesn't matter how well the team does, as long as it isn't the absolute best...or the absolute worst. Green and yellow might not be ready for that at this given point in time. At one point they may have been, during, say, the Detlef Schrempf days, but as we're all bound to learn, the world changes while the colors stay the same.

I guess you can say this is my requiem for the Seattle Supersonics uniforms'. Godspeed to the green and yellow, and welcome aboard baby blue; hopefully you'll make a fine addition to the NBA.

1 comment:

Phil said...